About Us
Helping And Providing Best Service To Vet Patient Over 35 Years!!
I being homoeopathic practitioner used to think for painless treatment of speechless innocent animals. This thought come to my mind in 1985, after that I used to prescribe , these medicines to the cattle of my patients slowly. After quality feedback from patients , for different diseases in the cattle, these medicine come up with very good results. These are my innovative products, which led to me , to establish a manufacturing drug unit ,with proper drug manufacturing licence from Government.
In Dec 2002, We have started Hivet, which is regularly growing up to today
Hivet is a proud division of Gurudev Veterinaries, committed to advancing homoeopathic solutions for Veterinary & Pharma care.
Years Experience
Our Achievements
- In 2004 : Accepted at NMC in America (Reports of NMC America)
- In 2005 : Accepted at NMC in America
- In 2006 : International Journal of cow science (See publication here)
- Italian journal of Animal Science (See publication here)
- In 2007 :Accepted in 8th world Buffalo Congress -Italy (See here)
- Purchasing by Saras Rajasthan Govt. Since 2004
- Field Recommendation for 911 Veterinary Doctors by HAU Veterinary College on 05.08.2005 (See here)
- Reports of Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Bareilly (See here)
- Reports of H.A.U.Hisar (Reports here)
Proceeding of 24th ISVM Convention on 22-24 February,2006
(See reports here)